Rogue Photos: The Art of Photography
After spending 37 years in front of or behind the camera, 2014 was a real challenge for me as a photographer. To start off I had an accident in January that broke my wrist, cracked my skull, and as I recently found out, also broke my back at T-12.
In April I moved from TX to AZ. Within a few days of arriving in AZ one of my younger brothers died; in May my youngest daughter graduated college; in June I welcomed a grandson; and that same month my mother died.
My photography had to be put aside for a while so I could heal emotionally and physically.
In September my friend Roger pointed out that I hadn’t posted any new pictures in a very long time. Of course I explained that I was not fully recovered and that I hadn’t been taking pictures at all. So he challenged me to take out some old photos and put them through Photoshop and post those. So I did, and that was the start of ‘The Roger Pictures’ that were posted daily through the beginning of 2015.
This project was just what I needed to shake off some of the sadness and help revive my passion for photography again. I hope you enjoy some of my favorites from this collection. You can find more of my photos on my website:
About the Author
Aoibheann (pronounced Ae-veen) is an Irish American Artist.
As a Photographer and Writer her work has been featured in Gaiscoich Magazine, Biker Magazine, Sun City Bikers, Ruidoso News, The Ruidoso Free Press, KEDU Radio, the Society for Creative Anachronism,, Juicy Skin Calendar, as well as various other publications for the U.S. military and her colleges.
When she’s not traveling the world and taking pictures, you can find her interviewing interesting people, writing whimsical stories and articles, gaming in GW2, playing guitar, reading her favorite books, or out dancing in the rain.
Owner of Rogue Photos, you can view her photography work at